Obagi® Blue Peel
What is the Obagi Blue Peel?
The Obagi Blue Peel is a quick, relatively simple in -office procedure. Designed to significantly improve the appearance and health of your skin.This procedure represents a breakthrough in skin rejuvenation services, as it enables your skin care expert to administer your treatment in a highly customized manner, unlike any other chemical peel. The Obagi Blue Peel is a mediuim- depth Chemical Peel that uses TCA (trichloroacetic acid) mixed with a unique blue base to monitor and control the penetration. Only performed by highly trained physicians and Aestheticians. Yes, this world wide popular Chemical Peel will leave your facial skin BLUE for a day! The solution can be applied in 1- 4 layers, depending on your skin concerns and severity. This will all be determined by your medical physician. The Obagi Blue Peel procedure is indicated to treat severe hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, skin laxity, wrinkles and fine lines and other signs of aging. The Obagi Blue Peel is safe to use on the face, neck, chest, hands and other areas.
What does the Obagi Blue Peel treat?
- Hyperpigmentation
- Age spots
- Sun damage
- Melasma
- Freckles
- Acne
- Acne scarring
- Improves skin tone and texture
- Correct wrinkles
- Large pores
- Maintains healthy skin
Each patient is unique, therefore results will vary.
Am I a good candidate for an Obagi Blue Peel?
Obagi Blue Peel treatments are effective in treating men and women of all ages, skin types, and color. The ideal candidate is someone who is in good physical health, and has realistic expectations of what The Obagi Blue Peel can offer. Each patient will need to be pre-treated by using Obagi Nu-derm products for a minimum of 6-8 weeks to prepare your skin for your upcoming treatment. This will insure that you achieve the optimal results from your treatment, and lessens the possibility of adverse reactions. Every successful skin care procedure starts with a carefully crafted plan. That is why a thorough skin consultation is required, and very important.
Let your physician know if you have a history of herpes fever blisters, they will be able to call in a prescription of Valtrex to start a few days before, and a few days following your treatment. Valtrex is an antiviral drug, used to treat cold sores around the mouth. It can prevent a blister from developing during or after your procedure.
How does the Obagi Blue Peel work?
The Obagi Blue Peel works by using 15- 30% TCA to remove outer layers of the skin, which are then replaced by healthier ones. It can be applied in 1-4 layers. When applying this solution to the skin these acids interact with proteins causing exfoliation and peeling of the skin. Since this Chemical peel is a medium-depth peel, it penetrates the skin more deeply than other peels. This will allow your skin care expert to treat more severe skin concerns, and you can expect significant improvement.
What should I expect?
Application of the Obagi Blue Peel takes about 20 minutes, depending on the number of layers your physician determines are necessary to achieve your goals. There is mild discomfort associated during this treatment, which is generally described as a burning or stinging sensation lasting for 2-3 minutes. If you are anxious about the procedure, a mild sedative may be prescribed. You will be given a hand held fan to use whenever it is needed. We encourage to keep the fan constantly blowing on the treatment area to maintain comfort as much as possible. Your skin will have a blue tint for the first 1-2 days. The blue tint will fade as the skin begins the peeling process. Stay out of the sun as much as possible, your skin will be vulnerable to sun damage the first couple of weeks after an Obagi Blue Peel. During your skin consultation, your Aesthetician will go over everything you need to know before, during and after your treatment.
After care and recovery
After the treatment, you may experience slight swelling, and mild discomfort for up to seven days. The blue tint disappears as the skin begins to peel. Skin peeling will begin within two to three days post treatment. This peeling will continue over the next several days and should be healed in an average of 7-10 days. Following your treatment, you will be given instructions to use a gentle cleanser (preferable Obagi Nu-derm cleanser), morning and night, as well as a lightweight moisturizer, and sunscreen. Sunscreen is a must, even if you do not plan on being in direct sunlight, as the sun can penetrate through car windshields and clothing. It is important to follow the aftercare instructions given from your physician, to optimize your results. Once your skin is healed and has completed its peeling process, you may continue active products such as Hydroquinone and Tretinoin 2-3 weeks post treatment. New skin will be slightly pink and will gradually fade to normal over the next few weeks. Peeling should not disrupt your regular lifestyle for long, although you may want to limit activities such as working out. Too much physical activity that results in sweating could possibly cause a sweat blister.
When your skin has completely finished peeling, you will immediately notice the dramatic results of your newly improved complexion. Your skin’s appearance will continue to improve for the next 4 to 6 weeks, becoming firmer, clearer, smoother, healthier and more youthful looking. To best aid in the recovery process, makeup should only be applied after the skin is completely healed.
How can I maintain my results of The Obagi Blue Peel?
Keeping your skin’s new healthy glow and youthful appearance is an ongoing process. The Obagi Nu-Derm System is a prescription skin care system that utilizes a specific sequence of dosage and frequency to help skin look and act younger and healthier. The Obagi Nu-Derm system is formulated to work safely and effectively in conjunction with the Obagi Blue Peel. Although patients are satisfied after just one Obagi Blue peel, this peel can safely be repeated every 6 months.
Schedule Your
Consultation Today
Whitlock Cosmetic Center
8913 S Yale Ave, Suite 200
Tulsa, OK 74137
Phone: (918) 743-5438
Monday – Thursday 9am – 5pm