
Tulsa Cosmetic Surgery Body Contouring Liposuction

Are you tired of those horrible stubborn fatty areas? Whitlock Tulsa Cosmetic Surgery can provide you with the perfect Liposuction procedure to help you maintain your weight. A good weight management program aids patient by showing them how to modify their eating while incorporating a regular routine of exercise in their daily regimen. While you may be the perfect candidate for Liposuction, you first need to learn how to manage your weight with the help of Dr. Whitlock and our Med Spa.

Weight management enforces sound nutritional habits by underscoring the concept of portion control along with healthy eating. In a medically supervised program, a registered nurse often assists patients in realizing their weight loss goals.

Weight management assists patients who have firmed their arms, tummies, or bottoms by cosmetic means maintain their new toned look with a sensible eating plan. With a weight management plan, patients can follow an eating schedule that allows them to consume nutritionally balanced menus without worrying about the number of calories they consume. This type of approach to weight control means that patients can opt for foods that fall under each of the basic five food groups (vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, and dairy) and limit their intake of processed or junk foods, bakery products, and foods that derive most of its calorie content from fat. Without a sensible weight management plan set buy the professionals at Tulsa Cosmetic Surgery, all the wonderful progress done by the liposuction will become undone. This is an ongoing process, and you need to learn how to not only eat healthier, but it is an entire lifestyle change.


What is liposuction?

Liposuction removes fat from those stubborn areas, that no matter how much you exercise or eat healthy, won’t budge or go away. Liposuction can reshape and sculpt multiple areas for a sleek physique in both men and women. Love handles are the fat stores that sit around your hips. Of course everyone know that fat tends to store around your abdomen and waist. Many men and women struggle with thigh fat, or excessive fat around their hips. Not only does fat gather on the lower half of your body, but also the upper half as well. Such as your arms, back, knees, neck, chest, etc.

Dr. Whitlock and his team located at Tulsa Cosmetic Surgery know exactly what they are doing. They are here to help you make this transition and will help you figure it out along the way. Dr. Whitlock offers several types and techniques of liposuction and often combines liposuction with other procedures to create a beautiful, confident new you! Call today to schedule your consultation and learn what options are best for you. With your customized treatment plan, a patient coordinator will meet with you to review costs, payment options, and any other questions you have.


Who is a good candidate for liposuction?

Patients who are good candidates for a weight management program are generally about 20 to 30 pounds overweight and are otherwise in good health for their age. If you feel you could benefit from this type of program, set up an appointment for a consultation today. At the initial appointment, your measurements and weight will be taken, and the dietary plan will be explained.

It is time to say goodbye to stubborn fat. It can be diminished and destroyed easily with our liposuction services. The best thing you can do is research beforehand. If you would like to hear from people who have had liposuction before, you can find examples on our before and after webpage. We want others to be able to see what the results of the service would be. You can see how liposuction may be perfect for you. If you have any questions, reach out to us today by scheduling a consultation, or by picking up your phone, and dialing our toll –  free number today!

When you work alongside the Tulsa Cosmetic Surgery company, you know you’re going to be receiving the best service, with the most affordable prices, and with the best Tulsa Cosmetic Surgery team in Tulsa or Broken Arrow Oklahoma. Our very knowledgeable staff members have been here to help us through the years. They have attended the best schools, trained with the greatest teacher, and now can take care of their clients with no issues. After you have any surgery, treatment session or procedure, we are going to set a follow up appointment. Most of the time these follow up appointments are just to verify that everything is as it should be, and there wasn’t anyone who was experiencing the rather low side effects. Here at Whitlock Tulsa Cosmetic Surgery, our surgeons and nurses will not steer you in the wrong direction.  We care for our patients, and only want what’s best for them. So, if you are having any issues with your post procedure recovery, reach out so we can figure out what the issue may be.

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Whitlock Cosmetic Center

8913 S Yale Ave, Suite 200
Tulsa, OK 74137
Phone: (918) 743-5438


Monday – Thursday 9am – 5pm